How to inject fun into your employee financial wellbeing

It’s no surprise that financial matters need some assistance when it comes to entertainment value.  So, how can you make finance fun and still get your employees to take their financial future seriously?  

The fun should be injected at the start to capture your employees’ interest and get them engaged.  Once they are listening you can get a bit more serious.  You can use creative marketing and communications to bring the fun to finance and get employees intrigued. 

 If you have ever watched the Martin Lewis Money Show, you will know that he is not afraid to dress up in a silly costume to get his point across.

Challenge your financial wellbeing provider to come up with ways to entertain, increasing employee engagement and giving them a good understanding of the topics covered.  Making financial topics amusing and fun is proven to help people remember them.


How to make financial wellbeing for employees fun

1.     Make it human

Money is a topic that a lot of people don’t want to talk about.  It is important to make financial topics human, relatable and if possible, entertaining. Our presenters know that by injecting fun real-life examples into a seminar, they will get much better engagement and build a good rapport with the audience. 

2.     Use animation

We love creating cool apps and enjoyable animated videos in our financial wellbeing sessions to help communicate key messages.  We find this helps to make financial topics more interesting and memorable.  

3.     Eye-catching communications

Make finance fun from the outset! Create eye-catching posters and emails to advertise your financial wellbeing programme.  Set the tone by making these communications colourful and interesting.  You could also add some humour if you’re feeling creative.

4.     Gamification

You can really bring financial wellbeing at work to life with interactive tools to show how different factors could affect your own life.  Using gamification in sessions and support material keeps content light and interesting, which ensures employees are fully engaged and take away more meaning. We believe the concept of gamification has been instrumental in revolutionising the way we are able to motivate employees. 

5.     Cut the jargon

“I love pensions jargon” said no one ever! The quickest way to make finance the grey, boring, dull subject it has come to be known as, is to use jargon. People hate it… they want to be spoken to in plain English, so they know exactly where they stand.  Do us all a favour and banish the acronyms!

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